Ascension: Weiterer Cast bekannt

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Die sechsteilige Mini-Serie Ascension wird allmählich. Nachdem zu Beginn lediglich bekannt war, dass Battlestar Galactica-Schauspielerin Tricia Helfer in einer bedeutenden Rolle zu sehen sein würde, trudeln nun auch immer mehr weitere Castbestätigungen ein.

Jetzt stoßen der aus zahlreichen Genre-Produktionen bekannte Ryan Robbins und P.J. Boudousque zum Cast dazu, so The Hollywood Reporter.

Sci-Fi-Fans dürften Robbins unter anderem aus Stargate: Atlantis, Sanctuary, Falling Skies und Continuum kennen.

Erst kürzlich wurde bekannt, dass sich Tricia Helfer unter anderem Brian Van Holt, Brandon P. Bell, Tiffany Lonsdale und Jacqueline Byers anschließen.

Ascension handelt von dem gleichnamigen Raumschiff, das in den 60er Jahren von der Erde aus aufbrach, um den Weltraum zu erkunden. Kurz bevor Schiff und die mehrere Generationen umfassende Besatzung den Point-of-no-Return erreichen – den Punkt, ab dem der Treibstoff für eine Rückkehr zur Erde nicht mehr ausreicht –  geschieht an Bord der Ascension ein Mord.

Dieser löst unter der Bevölkerung an Bord einige Verwirrung aus – und tritt die Frage los, weshalb die Mission tatsächlich gestartet wurde.

Bekannt ist bislang zudem, dass Tricia Helfer in einer an Number Six aus Battlestar Galactica anmutenden Rolle zu sehen sein wird: manipulativ und äußerst zwielichtig.

Weitere Informationen zu Ascension stehen bislang noch aus, aber natürlich werden wir darüber berichten, sobald es etwas Neues gibt.



 Quelle: The Hollywood Reporter

The latest talent additions come as the six-hour event series, starring Tricia Helfer and Brandon P. Bell, starts shooting in Montreal.

KARLOVY VARY — P.J. Boudousque and Ryan Robbins have been added to the cast for Syfy’s Ascension, which has started shooting in Montreal.

The duo join an Ascension cast led by the previously announced Brandon P. Bell, Brian Van Holt, Tricia Helfer, Tiffany Lonsdale and Jacqueline Byers.

Syfy’s six-hour event series, to bow in November, comes from Lionsgate Television, Sea to Sky Studios and Blumhouse Productions.

The sci-fi series was written and created by executive producer and showrunner Philip Levens (Smallville).

Ascension follows a covert U.S. space mission launched in the 1960s that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

Halfway into their journey, as they approach the point of no return, the mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s inhabitants to question the true nature of their mission.

Ascension is executive produced by Jason Blum, Ivan Fecan, Tim Gamble and Brett Burlock and is co-financed and distributed by Universal Cable Productions and Lionsgate Television.

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 P.J. Boudousque and Ryan Robbins

The latest talent additions come as the six-hour event series, starring Tricia Helfer and Brandon P. Bell, starts shooting in Montreal.

KARLOVY VARY — P.J. Boudousque and Ryan Robbins have been added to the cast for Syfy’s Ascension, which has started shooting in Montreal.

The duo join an Ascension cast led by the previously announced Brandon P. Bell, Brian Van Holt, Tricia Helfer, Tiffany Lonsdale and Jacqueline Byers.

Syfy’s six-hour event series, to bow in November, comes from Lionsgate Television, Sea to Sky Studios and Blumhouse Productions.

The sci-fi series was written and created by executive producer and showrunner Philip Levens (Smallville).

Ascension follows a covert U.S. space mission launched in the 1960s that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

Halfway into their journey, as they approach the point of no return, the mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s inhabitants to question the true nature of their mission.

Ascension is executive produced by Jason Blum, Ivan Fecan, Tim Gamble and Brett Burlock and is co-financed and distributed by Universal Cable Productions and Lionsgate Television.

– See more at:

The latest talent additions come as the six-hour event series, starring Tricia Helfer and Brandon P. Bell, starts shooting in Montreal.

KARLOVY VARY — P.J. Boudousque and Ryan Robbins have been added to the cast for Syfy’s Ascension, which has started shooting in Montreal.

The duo join an Ascension cast led by the previously announced Brandon P. Bell, Brian Van Holt, Tricia Helfer, Tiffany Lonsdale and Jacqueline Byers.

Syfy’s six-hour event series, to bow in November, comes from Lionsgate Television, Sea to Sky Studios and Blumhouse Productions.

The sci-fi series was written and created by executive producer and showrunner Philip Levens (Smallville).

Ascension follows a covert U.S. space mission launched in the 1960s that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

Halfway into their journey, as they approach the point of no return, the mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s inhabitants to question the true nature of their mission.

Ascension is executive produced by Jason Blum, Ivan Fecan, Tim Gamble and Brett Burlock and is co-financed and distributed by Universal Cable Productions and Lionsgate Television.

– See more at:

The latest talent additions come as the six-hour event series, starring Tricia Helfer and Brandon P. Bell, starts shooting in Montreal.

KARLOVY VARY — P.J. Boudousque and Ryan Robbins have been added to the cast for Syfy’s Ascension, which has started shooting in Montreal.

The duo join an Ascension cast led by the previously announced Brandon P. Bell, Brian Van Holt, Tricia Helfer, Tiffany Lonsdale and Jacqueline Byers.

Syfy’s six-hour event series, to bow in November, comes from Lionsgate Television, Sea to Sky Studios and Blumhouse Productions.

The sci-fi series was written and created by executive producer and showrunner Philip Levens (Smallville).

Ascension follows a covert U.S. space mission launched in the 1960s that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

Halfway into their journey, as they approach the point of no return, the mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s inhabitants to question the true nature of their mission.

Ascension is executive produced by Jason Blum, Ivan Fecan, Tim Gamble and Brett Burlock and is co-financed and distributed by Universal Cable Productions and Lionsgate Television.

– See more at:

The latest talent additions come as the six-hour event series, starring Tricia Helfer and Brandon P. Bell, starts shooting in Montreal.

KARLOVY VARY — P.J. Boudousque and Ryan Robbins have been added to the cast for Syfy’s Ascension, which has started shooting in Montreal.

The duo join an Ascension cast led by the previously announced Brandon P. Bell, Brian Van Holt, Tricia Helfer, Tiffany Lonsdale and Jacqueline Byers.

Syfy’s six-hour event series, to bow in November, comes from Lionsgate Television, Sea to Sky Studios and Blumhouse Productions.

The sci-fi series was written and created by executive producer and showrunner Philip Levens (Smallville).

Ascension follows a covert U.S. space mission launched in the 1960s that sent hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world.

Halfway into their journey, as they approach the point of no return, the mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s inhabitants to question the true nature of their mission.

Ascension is executive produced by Jason Blum, Ivan Fecan, Tim Gamble and Brett Burlock and is co-financed and distributed by Universal Cable Productions and Lionsgate Television.

– See more at:

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